We are writing to share information on where we stand as a company in this unprecedented time. Given the current direction pertaining Social Distancing, we are reaching out to all our Employees through email.
With the COVID-19 virus impacting every level of our community, Legeneering has been monitoring current directions from the Australian Government and World Health Organisation (WHO) to ensure that we are constantly prioritising the health, safety and the wellbeing of our employees in regards to the spread of COVID-19.
We understand that directions are constantly changing in line with progress of spread. We will continue to the best of our ability to update our employees as soon as there are changes to directions by the Government and WHO.
We would like to reassure all employees that we are taking all available precautions to prevent transmission of COVID-19 especially for our employees that are not Working from Home (WFH). Detailed steps are outlined on our website.
We wish to let everyone know that we have the company’s continuity at the forefront of our decision making. Ideally, we would like all our employees to be part of our future. But this will not be possible.
We understand that this is an uncertain time on every level. We would like to be transparent in conveying possible paths down the track should the pandemic adversely affect us more than it already has, as a company. There may be reduced hours, reduced wages, stand downs and/ or redundancies. We would like everyone to know that whilst this is our last resort, it may be inevitable.
Once again, we appreciate and would like to thank everyone for your continued patience, and we endeavour to weather this storm together.
Take care and stay well.
Glen Crawford, Managing Director & David Milroy, Executive Director